Policies and Info
Given the possibility of theft and pilferage that accompanies any merchandising operation, the Myrtle Beach Convention Center (MBCC) rental agreement contains general language that indemnifies the facility from any claims for theft or damage to exhibitor property. Mandated insurance pertain to third party injury, accidental death and City property damage claims only. The show promoter must submit a copy of show insurance with a minimum liability of one million dollars indicating Myrtle Beach Convention Center (MBCC) as the additional insured. The document should be submitted thirty (30) days in advance of the show opening. The Convention Center is not insured for exhibitor or visitor property damages or losses.
Show Management shall provide each exhibitor with a prospectus designating appropriate times for set-up, show hours and move- out. The prospectus should specifically disclose the terms of the exhibitor’s agreement, including a statement regarding liability for theft and/or damage to exhibitor property. A copy of the exhibitor’s prospectus shall be forwarded to the Myrtle Beach Convention Center (MBCC)’s Event Coordinator prior to distribution.
The Show Management shall employ Parking & Concierge Services Personnel normally employed by the Convention Center. The particular size and type of Convention Services force shall be determined by the Convention Center management. Convention Services will be required for move-in and move-out. Designated points of entry or exit will be guarded according to the amount and location of space reserved. Convention Services will inspect all articles entering or leaving the facility, and no worker or exhibitor will be admitted without a badge.
In all matters related to the Parking & Concierge Services Personnel, the lessee shall deal directly with the Convention Services Manager, not the Parking & Concierge Services Personnel.
Susan Skellett, Convention Services Manager
(843) 385-1521
Show Management is to inform exhibitors and attendees of the convention center campus including the Myrtle Beach Convention Center (MBCC), the Myrtle Beach Sports Center, and the Sheraton Myrtle Beach Hotel, on-site parking fees are $5 per day for cars and $10 per day for oversized vehicles.
Show Management is encouraged to:
• List the times during which exhibitors are allowed to enter the show area. This schedule should include daily beginning and ending times for set-up, occupancy periods for each show day, and move-out.
• Staff a registration desk adjacent to the loading entrance. A representative should be present during all designated periods of occupancy, including set-ups, evening hours and move-outs.
• Issue identifiable credentials to each exhibitor – to be worn at all times, including set-ups, evening hours and move-outs.
• Authorize an adequate number of Parking & Concierge Services Personnel on a 24-hour basis to act as a deterrent against theft and pilferage.
• Advise all exhibitors that additional Parking & Concierge Services Personnel may be hired (with adequate advance notice) to monitor individual displays.
• Schedule decorating and other service contractors for load-out only when all exhibitors are available. When load-out involves more than one day, exhibitors and contractors should be required to vacate the premises at the same time.
• Be present to open the assigned show and remain until all exhibitors are advised to vacate the show area. Exhibitors should be admitted to the show area when a Show Manager is present.
All exhibitors are encouraged to:
• Be present during all periods of occupancy as authorized by Show Management. This requirement is important during move-in and move-out periods when large quantities of display materials are moved into and out of the Convention Center.
• Exercise precautions during the event. Each booth or exhibit should be attended at all times during set-up, event hours and load-out.
• Valuable display items should be secured in locked containers or showcases within the booth or removed to a secure location at the end of the show.
• Remove small items immediately and remain in the booth until all other exhibitors and workers are instructed to vacate the show area.
Any loss of property should be immediately reported to the Convention Center Parking & Concierge Services Office. The exhibitors should be encouraged to make a separate report to the Police Department and furnish as much information as possible regarding the property, as well as provide witnesses to the removal of said property.
The lessee shall submit a floor plan layout to the Event Coordinator at least forty- five (45) days prior to move-in of an event. The plan is subject to approval by the Myrtle Beach Fire Marshal. All displays or decorating materials must be fireproof. Smoking is not permitted within the facility.
Freight doors, overhead doors, emergency exits and corridors leading to these exits shall not be blocked at any time. All crates and boxes shall be removed from the premises prior to the opening of the show.
All electrical or plumbing work shall be done by Convention Center Electrical/Engineering personnel or contractors designated by the Convention Center management. Outdoor displays must be approved in writing by the Event Coordinator. All complaints or questions regarding public safety shall be addressed directly to the Event Coordinator.
The Event Coordinator must approve use of all motorized vehicles inside of the exhibit halls, public spaces, and loading docks in advance.
Your cooperation is essential to providing a safe and secure environment for exhibitor property. If you require further assistance in planning your event, please contact the Event Coordination staff at (843) 918-1225 or (800) 537-1690, or visit our website at www.myrtlebeachconventioncenter.com.
Show Management shall provide each exhibitor with a prospectus designating appropriate times for set-up, show hours and move- out. The prospectus should specifically disclose the terms of the exhibitor’s agreement, including a statement regarding liability for theft and/or damage to exhibitor property. A copy of the exhibitor’s prospectus shall be forwarded to the Myrtle Beach Convention Center (MBCC)’s Event Coordinator prior to distribution.
The Show Management shall employ Parking & Concierge Services Personnel normally employed by the Convention Center. The particular size and type of Convention Services force shall be determined by the Convention Center management. Convention Services will be required for move-in and move-out. Designated points of entry or exit will be guarded according to the amount and location of space reserved. Convention Services will inspect all articles entering or leaving the facility, and no worker or exhibitor will be admitted without a badge.
In all matters related to the Parking & Concierge Services Personnel, the lessee shall deal directly with the Convention Services Manager, not the Parking & Concierge Services Personnel.
Susan Skellett, Convention Services Manager
(843) 385-1521

Show Management is to inform exhibitors and attendees of the convention center campus including the Myrtle Beach Convention Center (MBCC), the Myrtle Beach Sports Center, and the Sheraton Myrtle Beach Hotel, on-site parking fees are $5 per day for cars and $10 per day for oversized vehicles.
Show Management is encouraged to:
• List the times during which exhibitors are allowed to enter the show area. This schedule should include daily beginning and ending times for set-up, occupancy periods for each show day, and move-out.
• Staff a registration desk adjacent to the loading entrance. A representative should be present during all designated periods of occupancy, including set-ups, evening hours and move-outs.
• Issue identifiable credentials to each exhibitor – to be worn at all times, including set-ups, evening hours and move-outs.
• Authorize an adequate number of Parking & Concierge Services Personnel on a 24-hour basis to act as a deterrent against theft and pilferage.
• Advise all exhibitors that additional Parking & Concierge Services Personnel may be hired (with adequate advance notice) to monitor individual displays.
• Schedule decorating and other service contractors for load-out only when all exhibitors are available. When load-out involves more than one day, exhibitors and contractors should be required to vacate the premises at the same time.
• Be present to open the assigned show and remain until all exhibitors are advised to vacate the show area. Exhibitors should be admitted to the show area when a Show Manager is present.
All exhibitors are encouraged to:
• Be present during all periods of occupancy as authorized by Show Management. This requirement is important during move-in and move-out periods when large quantities of display materials are moved into and out of the Convention Center.
• Exercise precautions during the event. Each booth or exhibit should be attended at all times during set-up, event hours and load-out.
• Valuable display items should be secured in locked containers or showcases within the booth or removed to a secure location at the end of the show.
• Remove small items immediately and remain in the booth until all other exhibitors and workers are instructed to vacate the show area.
Any loss of property should be immediately reported to the Convention Center Parking & Concierge Services Office. The exhibitors should be encouraged to make a separate report to the Police Department and furnish as much information as possible regarding the property, as well as provide witnesses to the removal of said property.
The lessee shall submit a floor plan layout to the Event Coordinator at least forty- five (45) days prior to move-in of an event. The plan is subject to approval by the Myrtle Beach Fire Marshal. All displays or decorating materials must be fireproof. Smoking is not permitted within the facility.
Freight doors, overhead doors, emergency exits and corridors leading to these exits shall not be blocked at any time. All crates and boxes shall be removed from the premises prior to the opening of the show.
All electrical or plumbing work shall be done by Convention Center Electrical/Engineering personnel or contractors designated by the Convention Center management. Outdoor displays must be approved in writing by the Event Coordinator. All complaints or questions regarding public safety shall be addressed directly to the Event Coordinator.
The Event Coordinator must approve use of all motorized vehicles inside of the exhibit halls, public spaces, and loading docks in advance.
Your cooperation is essential to providing a safe and secure environment for exhibitor property. If you require further assistance in planning your event, please contact the Event Coordination staff at (843) 918-1225 or (800) 537-1690, or visit our website at www.myrtlebeachconventioncenter.com.